After just over a year in business, Kathryn and I took ourselves, a list, and lots of empty luggage down to Frisco, Texas, last weekend. Despite what you may think, we did not go to Frisco for the TexMex or for a quiet weekend of relaxation. We went to Frisco for the Autumn Needlepoint Reunion.
You may ask...what is a needlepoint reunion and how do I get there? First off, I think using the word 'reunion' is accurate because everyone there likes each other so much! It was more of an extended social call for long-time shops and designers to reconnect, revisit collaborations, view (and buy!) entire collections, and new releases. However, the part you're likely more interested in is 'what the heck happens at a needlepoint show?' and 'can I go?'.
To answer the latter....in short, no. Attendance is limited to needlepoint shops (like us!) and designers, pending an application process to confirm your business is real - so no sneaking through the process!
So more importantly, what happens at a Needlepoint Reunion? The market is organized as a 'Cash & Carry', which means that designers bring their entire inventory to sell and stores bring their credit cards. This also means that shops leave Frisco with tens of pounds of additions to their inventory in those empty suitcases...pro tip: fly Southwest for those free checked bags!
We used market as an opportunity to meet some of our valued designer counterparts that we'd met via email or phone over the past year and a half - putting faces to names was amazing! We added new canvases from our current designers. Some of our favorite items from market included Anne Fischer's Crocodile Eyeglasses Case, this darling Red Beanie with Ski Goggles, and this awesome set of Horse Bit Coasters that would be perfect with a monogram added! Check out this beautiful design from a collaboration between Anne Fischer & Jean Mason!
We also met a number of new designers and are bringing some of their canvases back to the shop with us. Some of our new designers include Lauren Bloch, Alexa Needlepoint, and Mopsey Design!

We've restocked some of your favorite canvases, like Aw Shucks, the darling Blue & White Mini Stocking with Wreath, Please Come In, and our Chicago Bar Cart! We're also in the process of adding new designs to the website from new and in-line designers, like 'It Takes a Village and a Vineyard' pictured above. We're thrilled to bring you new needlepoint canvases of all mesh sizes (10-18) and help you bring them to life!
So, what's next? March Market in Atlanta and you better believe we'll be there. Here's looking forward to more successful markets ahead.
M & K
Nice write-up!
I’m the customer who spends summers in Falmouth. I wandered in with my now daughter/in-law and we figured our Falmouth connection in about 3 seconds!
Please send pix of some 13 Clutch canvasses.
If you have any in stock. Any by
Anne Fisher ?
Blues, greens, monogram space, geometrics.
Look forward to hearing back.
Always in stitches,
Polly 👀❤️